Registration is NOW OPEN! Please go to the homepage and scroll to the tab under the "We are the Rangerettes!"
Dates for Summer 2025
Summer Dance Camp Session # 1 - June 19 - 21 (grades 7th - 12th) - Our program is a two night stay.
Summer Dance Camp Session # 2 - June 22 - 24 (grades 7th - 12th) - Our program is a two night stay.
Rangerette Summer Dance Camp is now scheduled AFTER Rangerette Pre-Training and Tryouts. If you are a current senior and planning to try out for Rangerettes, please DO NOT register for camp. If you do not make Rangerettes and wish to attend one of the camp sessions, please register after tryouts as a commuter (if dorm space is available and you prefer to stay on campus, we will do our best to accommodate). If you are a current senior and do not plan to try out for Rangerettes but wish to attend camp, please register when it opens.
The information and documents below are from 2024 and should only be used for reference. NEW documents and camp pricing available when registration opens on Monday, March 3, @ NOON!
A RESIDENT registration means you are staying ON campus in our dormitory. Cost is $400 per camper.
A COMMUTER registration means you are providing your own lodging OFF campus in a local hotel or home. Cost is $350 per camper.
Lunch and Dinner Meals provided for ALL campers regardless of lodging status.